Sunday, June 27, 2010

One open letter calling for a central place to report copyright infringement

Open letter to the Presidents of RWA, SFWA, and Authors' Guild concerning copyright infringement and individual authors' needs

Dear Scott Turow, Allison Kelley, John Scalzi,

Thank you very much for everything you all do through Authors' Guild, RWA, and SFWA respectively to defend authors' copyrights against copyright infringement. We very much appreciate having an address to which to send our complaints, and the comfort of knowing that you compile a database of the most egregious "pirates" and pirate sites.

Despite small triumphs, ignorance persists among honest readers; lies about the legality of "sharing" go unchallenged, and the problem is getting much worse.

Please Scott Turow, Allison Kelley, John Scalzi will you talk to one another, set up one powerhouse task force, meet regularly, share resources, engage your members, give authors one central "Go To" address where we can submit complaints, report piracy sites, blogs and yahoogroups, cc our individual take-down notices.

One forceful industry voice could shut down an entire account and insist on a hosting site complying with their own TOS where their TOS has been repeatedly violated, instead of individual authors taking down one file at a time.

Thank you.

Rowena Cherry (IWOFA, EPIC Award "Friend of ePublishing" 2010)

Permission granted to forward, share, repost.

Monday, February 15, 2010

It's ME

Hey, i'm back! I found my blogspot blog! W00t!!!!